Education and Training Systems and Active Labour Market Policies

Karsten Frøhlich Hougaard

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Uddannelsessystemer og beskæftigelse

Education and Training Systems and Active Labour Market Policies

Danish Technological Institute works with governments and policy bodies such as the European Commission, OECD and UNESCO and social partners on the development and reform of education and training systems within broader policy goals of innovation, job creation, sustainability and equity.

Our activities span from review of education systems within the broader context of economic development and job creation to more specific assignments such as anticipation of skills within a particular sector, development of methodologies and tools for educational planning, methods and tools to support work-based learning, strategies for lifelong learning including qualification frameworks and tools in support of recognition and assessment of prior learning.

Labour Market System – Analysis and Policy Support

  • Monitoring of labour markets
  • Reform of employment services
  • Labour market policies and economic reform
  • Transition to labour markets – meeting the needs of different groups
  • Monitoring and evaluation of labour market policies
  • Labour market policies and local economic reform

Education and Training Systems

  • Review of policies and practices
  • Support to the development and implementation of a coherent policy framework for lifelong learning
  • Skill anticipation studies for new jobs and new skills
  • Quality  in education and training systems
  • Work-based learning
  • Monitoring and evaluation - what works?

Demonstration Projects
Danish Technological Institute is a partner in demonstration projects across the world where the quality of the education and training system and the skills of a workforce are an important component in local growth and competitiveness. We typically combine this expertise on human capital development with our strong technological and sector expertise.