Certification and CE marking of building materials - Construction products

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Certificering og CE mærkning af byggematerialer

Certification and CE marking of building materials - Construction products

Construction materials harmonized under EU law for construction must be CE marked.

Dependant on the product, the product must be tested by a notified accredited laboratory or/and be submitted to a notified accredited certification body for product or/and manufacturer control. 

The Danish Technological Institute provides package solutions for companies in connection with a range of construction products.   

  • Dancert. Certification body for product and manufacturer control
  • Hands-on-FPC, the Danish Technological Institute’s new website "Practical guidelines for CE marking for producers of construction products”
  • Other control systems
  • Testing

See also

  • The Danish Technological Institute’s new website "Practical guidelines for CE marking for producers of construction products". This is where you can replace the “whys” and “ifs” by knowledge, whether you are a producer of construction materials facing “cold” deadlines in relation to CE marking of your product, or if you take a general interest in the practical implications of CE marking within building and construction works.
  • The Construction Products Directive (Byggevarer - 89/106/EØF), Danish version
  • National Agency for Enterprise and Housing: "Executive order on designation of bodies to carry out certification, control and testing tasks under the EU construction materials directive (CPD)”

CE marking and control

EU notified agency – Construction products