Groundbreaking research in fuel cells

Bjarke Holl Christensen

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Groundbreaking research in fuel cells

For the first time, researchers have successfully measured the temperature of a working fuel cell, which uses a catalytic process to convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity. Fuel cells are a key to efficient and environment-friendly energy systems of the future.

Danish Technological institute, Aalborg University and the Technical University of Denmark are behind the development of embedded temperature sensors for measuring and diagnosing the temperature in working fuel cells. This groundbreaking work fosters new knowledge about fuel cells. In the long run, this knowledge may help increase the life of fuel cells and thus support the development of competitive, energy-efficient and renewable energy systems that meet the energy demands and more stringent environmental requirements of the future.

The Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Sciences funds the development project. The sensors are made with the Institute’s thin-film platform, and the concept has been subsequently tested and verified on a prototype. The centres involved at Danish Technological Institute are Tribology and Renewable Energy and Transport.