Robotic Composite Making

Søren Peter Johansen

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Robotic Composite making

Robotic Composite Making

Robotic Composite Making is large-scale production of composites. Robots construct the composite material and require no manual processes.

Top reasons for choosing Robotic Composite Making
Products made from composite material offer many great properties e.g. a high strength-to-weight ratio, but they also have a high production price. Moreover, they require high-quality production and the level of freedom in design is quite restricted. With Robotic Composite Making the manual laying out process is replaced by robots putting the composite materials together. The fibre material consists of individual threads of fibre that are winded or laid out in the desired shape – which can be everything from bicycles to boats.

The advantages of Robotic Composite Making
Your company saves time and thereby money as the number of manual processes is significantly reduced. Moreover, the use of materials is optimised and waste thus minimised. Finally, quality is significantly improved and you achieve a far higher level of freedom for construction and design of future products.

How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Robot Technology assists you in developing, adjusting and running in automation solutions and robot components in mechanics, electronics and construction.  We offer our flexible, mobile robot cells as pilot production and small-scale industrial production and we teach in the use of these.
  • According to your need, with Robotic Composite Making we can produce parts from as small as a few centimetres in length and up to as much as several hundred metres. There are no limitations in weight and the robot handles great complexity. Time of delivery depends entirely on the part.