Pressure and Mass

Kenn  Øholm

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Pressure and Mass

Reliable pressure measurements are often needed as a part of the quality control to document that requirements regarding safety and functioning of products are met. In the pharmaceutical industry and the process industry it can be of crucial importance that a process elapses at a defined pressure. To ensure that the measurements can be carried out with a sufficient accuracy and to be able to document the reliability of the measurements, the measuring equipment must be calibrated regularly by comparison to a reference standard with a know uncertainty.

The Pressure Laboratory offers calibration of instruments for measuring pressure in the range up to 200 bar gas pressure and 1200 bar with oil as pressure medium. Differential pressure transducers can be calibrated in the range up to 200 bar differential pressure at a total pressure of maximum 200 bar. Furthermore, we offer calibration of weights in the range 1 mg to 20 kg. As pressure standards the laboratory uses dead-weight testers traceable to internationally recognised national metrology institutes. For calibration of weights we use state-of-the-art comparator balances and reference weights traceable to international standards.

We regularly invite industry and laboratories to participate in accredited intercomparisons - see

The laboratory is accredited by The Danish Accreditation Service (DANAK) –
see, registration no. 200 for detailed specifications of the calibration services and uncertainties.

We offer calibration of instruments for Pressure and Mass

Micro manometers
Manometers, pressure transducers, pressure transmitters, pressure calibrators
Dead-weight testers with oil or gas as pressure medium
Vacuum meters in the range 0 to 1 bar absolute (0 to -1 bar gauge)
Differential pressure transducers and transmitters

Weights for dead-weight testers
Reference weights