Who are we - General information - Imprint
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Danish Technological Institute
Gregersensvej 1
DK - 2630 Taastrup
(Name in Danish: Teknologisk Institut)
DK 5697 6116
Invoicing address
As a non-Danish supplier you may send your invoice as PDF by e-mail to: invoice@teknologisk.dk
Payment terms, suppliers
30 Days Net
EAN – number
Danske Bank A/S
Bernstorffsgade 40
DK - 1577 Copenhagen V
- when transferring in DKK, please use:
Account no: 3329 111261
Sort Code: 3237
Swift Code: DABADKKK
IBAN no: DK1230003329111261
- when transferring in EUR, please use:
Account no: 3016 593818
Sort Code: 3237
Swift Code: DABADKKK
IBAN no: DK4630003016593818
- when transferring in USD, please use:
Account no: 3016585459
Sort Code: 3237
Swift Code: DABADKKK
IBAN no: DK2030003016585459
Payments out of USA in case your bank does not correspond with our bank (Danske Bank): Please use Bank of America, New York (swiftaddress BOFAUS3N,) Routing no. 026009593
If invoiced in another currency, please use our DKK-account.