Project - Experimental development of electric heat pumps in the Greater Copenhagen DH system (phase 2)

Jóhannes  Kristófersson

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Project - Experimental development of electric heat pumps in the Greater Copenhagen DH system (phase 2)

Experimental development of electric heat pumps in the Greater Copenhagen DH system (SVAF) - phase 2

Project start January 1st 2016. Expected to end ultimo 2021.

Purpose of project
The aim of the project is to accelerate the use of large electric heat pumps (HPs) for district heating (DH) through industrial cooperation, research and experimental development. The project is the second phase of the total project, which includes large-scale HP investments carried out to demonstrate optimal design, smart system integration, cost efficiency and climate benefits.

Large electric HPs are expected to play an important role towards CO2 neutral DH systems. The HPs can make up a significant supplement to heat production on biomass, and furthermore, electric HPs, when operated in a SMART way, can support wind power integration in the overall energy system.

However, large HPs face a number of barriers preventing a large-scale introduction. A main barrier is the feasibility of the investments – in particular in areas with low alternative heat costs as in Greater Copenhagen Area (GCA). Also lack of knowledge and operation experiences, especially concerning large HPs using natural refrigerants (required by Danish law) and supplying heat above 70 °C, plays an important role.

This project addresses the main barriers in order to accelerate the use of HPs using natural refrigerants in the DH sector through the development of optimised HPs for system integration with improved cost efficiency and with potential for scaling up concepts to 50-100 MW.


The overall project is divided into three phases:

  1. Develop feasible design concepts, controlling strategies and testing schemes (ongoing Phase 1 EUDP project ends Dec. 2015)
  2. Detailed design, demo and monitoring of two promising HP concepts, research (This Phase 2 EUDP project 2016-2021)
  3. Full-scale employment of HP in the GCA (2021-)


  • Danish Technological Institute
  • Centralkommunernes Transmissionsselskab
  • Vejlegårdens Fjernvarmecentral
  • COWI
  • Innoterm
  • Dansk Miljø- og Energistyring 
  • Alfa Laval
  • Technical University of Denmark

The project is funded by EUDP.