Clothing and textile - Labelling

Charlotte  Fischer

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Clothing and textile - Labelling

Neither consumers nor professionals can see or feel the performance of a textile. The manufacturer may ascertain the performance characteristics of a product by subjecting it to testing. The purchaser may need documentation of the successful fulfilment of any applicable requirements; however, it is difficult for consumers to access this documentation. A labelling system can help to inform the consumer of the requirements that the products have fulfilled.

Included in the testing fee, DTI offers a labelling system that informs the consumer of the quality and properties of the product. DTI will work with you to develop mutually agreed upon testing parameters and your products can be labelled with a hangtag after successful completion of testing in our laboratories. A hangtag informs the consumer of the requirements the product has complied with and assures the standard of quality.

Our hangtag is equipped with a barcode, which enables the consumer to receive informative videos on smartphones about characteristics especially relevant to your product.

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Inform your customers about the requirements your product has fulfilled
  • Enable you to market your product with quality as a key selling point