Clothing and textile - Requirement Specifications

Charlotte  Fischer

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Clothing and textile - Requirement Specifications

A requirement specification establishes minimum requirements for the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of the products that your company purchases or produces. It is a way to ensure that the quality of your products meets your expectations.

Requirement specifications can prevent miscommunication between the producer, supplier, purchaser and retailer. Complications most often arise without a sufficiently clear written agreement precisely detailing product properties.

DTI can collaborate with you to develop requirement specifications that meet the expectations of you and your customers. We offer advice on the requirements you should have for your products and how stringent they should be. The specified requirements should ensure that your customers are satisfied as well.

DTI can also help you verify that your products meet your requirement specifications. You can subject your product to testing in our accredited laboratory and with that have independent documentation of the quality level of your product.

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Specify a quality level that corresponds to your expectations
  • Advise you on how to transform common consumers' expectations into precise requirements in your requirements specifications
  • Develop requirement specifications with standard numbers and appropriate text
  • Prepare technical drawings for your requirement specification
  • Advise on selecting and establishing parameters for your requirements
  • Compare test results with your requirement specification
  • Test of your products in our accredited laboratories