Guide: How to choose safety sensors for your robot

Kasper Camillus Jeppesen

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Guide: How to choose safety sensors for your robot

In this video, specialist Kasper Jeppesen from the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) guides you through what you need to consider before choosing safety sensors for your new production robot.

There is a huge variety of safety sensors, so how do you choose the right ones when you are going to install a robot in your production?

Kasper Jeppesen discusses that in the MADE Tech Guide video above. He is a specialist at DTI, which is part of the MADE collaboration.

In the guide, he emphasizes three points of attention that are decisive for one's sensor choice:

1. Will your robot cell stay in the same place all the time, or might it sometimes be moved around?

2. How should the robot interact with employees and the rest of the environment?

3. Which work processes will the robot take over – is there dust, sparks, smoke? What must the sensor be able to withstand?

Kasper Jeppesen gives examples of different choices of sensors depending on the answers to these three points. And then he gives some advice that everyone can use:

- A good piece of advice is to find out how your sensor technology fits into your existing portfolio of safety technology and automation equipment. It may be that you can use data from the safety sensor to find items or to determine where pallets or the like are located, explains Kasper Jeppesen.

- This way you kill two birds with one stone, he says.

See the entire guide in the video at the top of the article.

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