Centrifugation at pilot scale
Centrifugation is an efficient method for separating solids and liquids. Centrifugation technology is widely used in many industries. The solid-containing solution is continuously pumped into the centrifuge, which rotates at high speed. The centrifugal force slings the solid out of the solution, resulting in a liquid fraction and a solid fraction.
Danish Technological Institute has advanced food-approved pilot-scale centrifuges:
- The decanter centrifuge (2-phase) with a capacity of up to 1000 L per hour is suitable for separating larger amounts of solids, such as fibers, which make up 10% or more of the food stream. The rotational speed can be up to 4500 RPM, resulting in a G-force of 3500.
- The high-speed centrifuge (3-phase) has a capacity of up to 500 L per hour and is suitable for separating smaller amounts of solids, which make up less than 10% of the food stream. It can be used as a separator to harvest solids or as a clarifier to remove excess particles in the liquid after decanter centrifugation before potential membrane filtration. This centrifuge can also separate a light oil phase. The rotational speed can be up to 12,500 RPM, resulting in a G-force of 22,700
Our centrifuges in the biofermentation pilot plant
In our biofermentation pilot plant, we have a number of equipment for downstream processes, where for centrifugation we have two pilot scale centrifuges:
- A large centrifuge of the brand EXW, Incoterm 2020 containing 1000 – 3000 L/h flow rate (see more below)
- A small centrifuge from GEA of the brand HSD 1 that contains <500 L/h flow rate (see more below)
Large centrifuge (Pilot scale)
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Small centrifuge (Small pilot scale)
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How can Danish Technological Institute assist you?
The centrifuges are part of Danish Technological Institute's Biosolutions Technology Center, where we offer laboratory and pilot tests within biorefining and biofermentation. Our equipment here is often part of the development of innovative products – either in connection with research and development projects or in direct collaboration with companies.
Offer and prices
If you are interested in the biofermentation plant, you can contact Anne-Christine Hastrup.
If you are interested in biorefining, you can contact Beatriz Chambel Soares Vieira.