
Lars  Krusell

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If you are looking for an opportunity to develop new foods that stand out from the crowd, fermentation and the use of unique starter cultures might be your way forward. In recent years the diversity of commercial starter cultures has decreased at the same time as consumers crave unique and local products in terms of health and taste. At Danish Technological Institute, we are able to help you identify tailormade starter cultures and test these for taste, stability, performance, food safety etc.


Our starting point is always the specific food and the possibilities available in the individual system.

How can Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • Needs and opportunities coverage within fermentation
  • Improvement of shelf live via fermentation
  • Identification and selection of fermentation starter cultures
  • Development of the fermented food
  • Increase the value of side streams via fermentation; high value substances, new products
  • Sensory characterization of the fermented drink or food
  • Assessment of food security and stability via micro biological and toxicological analyses
  • Upscaling and implementation