Get value from of your side streams

Karin Loft Eybye

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Get value from of your side streams

Climate action and the fight against food waste increases the food industry’s focus on the utilization of side streams from production. It can be the extraction of ingredients or the development of new foods. Danish Technological Institute contribution to this will be presented at a conference in January.

Processes for the extraction of relevant high value substances with the right purity must be developed.

This can create several challenges in relation to process selection, quality and functionality as well as upscaling. In addition, the functionality and taste of the side stream products must be tested and documented.

Danish Technological Institute can help you with

  • Assessment of potential of the side streams
  • Development of processes for extracting high value products
  • Characterization of high value products
  • Product development
  • Testing of functionality and sensory quality
  • Utilization of side streams from meat and fish as well as fruit and vegetables
  • Access to laboratories and pilot plants

Get assistance from our many specialists in the field and use our modern testing facilities; food laboratories, sensory analyses, pilot plant and the development kitchen FoodtureLab.

Fish skin is today a biproduct of the fish industry. In collaboration with several industrial partners, the Danish Technology Institute develops high value products such as fish gelatin and fish chips from fish skin. We work on production methods, product development as well as tests and quality assessments.

Today a significant part of side streams such as lungs, hearts, kidneys and spleens are used for feed or biogas. These side streams have a high protein content. In collaboration with the meat industry the Danish Technology Institute are investigating the possibilities of extracting proteins from the side streams.