Smart City
How will Smart Cities change our lives? How can we use technology to make cities more liveable and resilient? How do we foster and nurture innovative ecosystems of developers, service providers, users and public authorities? What role do standards play and how do we ensure information security when everything becomes connected? These are just some of the topics we are dealing with.
We work to make Smart Cities become reality in a wide range of areas. The purpose is to remove technological and business barriers and to help solve societal challenges. Keen to contribute to dialogue and cooperation on new Smart City initiatives, we are also members of the IoT Forum Denmark steering group - a network that counts a wide range of different actors from industry, research institutions, and public institutions.
In various projects, we are working to help establish secure and scalable Smart City infrastructure that integrates multiple IoT systems and which is supported and nourished by vibrant ecosystems.
Smart City technology is both relevant in the individual household and individual vehicles in the city, and all the way up to the over-all system level at which, for example, energy supply, traffic management, and climate adaptation can be managed and improved across the city. At the same time, collected data provide important insights into how the city works, and this knowledge can be transformed into better urban development, more efficient public services, improved public transport, traffic congestion, energy efficiency and many other things.