Danish participation in ‘IEA HPT Annex 50: Heat pumps in multifamily houses’
Project start April 2019. Project completed 2022.
Read the final report here:
The objective of the project ‘IEA HPT Annex 50: Heat pumps in multifamily houses’ is to gather information regarding possibilities and barriers for the implementation of heat pumps for space heating and domestic water heating in multifamily houses.
It is an international project with participation from Austria, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom – and now also Denmark. Danish Technological Institute will contribute to the international project through a new Danish project, which is supported by EUDP.
Read more about Annex 50 here.
Purpose of project
The purpose of the Danish participation is to gain international knowledge about the implementation of heat pumps in multifamily houses. Furthermore, a well-founded basis must be created to minimize the extent of poorly functioning heat pump installations in terms of energy efficiency and performance in housing associations and in public institutions.
The objective is to support the implementation of heat pumps in Denmark – especially in apartment buildings. E.g. it must be described how heat pumps can be implemented in the best way in both new and older buildings. It is a well-known fact that there is a large heat loss in this type of buildings due to the heat distribution system. This is also a problem when implementing heat pumps. Therefore, system integration and identification of possible solutions will be two of the primary objectives of the project.
In the project, one of the tasks is to make an analysis of existing systems in apartment buildings and to clarify the possibilities of implementing heat pumps in an efficient way. Subjects like flexibility potential and the combination with other renewable energy sources will be clarified in the project as will the possibilities regarding the combination of heat pumps with gas boilers.
The project is divided into the following phases:
- Market overview, barriers for application, system classification
- Modeling and simulation of systems, economic models
- Technology development, evaluation and system assessment
- Demonstration and monitoring
- Dissemination and communication.
- Danish Technological Institute – Svend Vinther Pedersen (project manager)
- BKF-Klima A/S
- Bosch Thermotechnik
- Viessmann.
The project is supported by EUDP.