Chicken Bone Phantoms - for standardised bone detection in food products

Morten Arild Jørgensen

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Chicken slaughterhouse

Chicken Bone Phantoms - for standardised bone detection in food products

The DMRI Bone Phantoms are made to meet the challenge of biological density variation in bone tissue, specifically in chickens. The density range from low in cartilage to high in very calcified cortical bones.

To benchmark and calibrate detection systems, standardisation is needed. That is why we have made the DMRI Bone Phantoms with a specific density and with 5 fixed and stable physical sizes. The density of the DMRI Bone Phantoms is referenced to the Hounsfield Scale, which is in accordance with international medical tomography standards. A certificate can be provided with each test set, showing the precise attenuation at two different energy ranges.

Please have a look at our webinar on detection of contaminants - In Danish

  • Use the bone phantoms as an integrated part of your daily QA procedures.
  • Use the bone phantoms as part of requirement specifications/contracts.
  • Use the bone phantoms as a core component for benchmarking of equipment and detection schemes.

Density kylling

Photo: The challenge in using natural bone material for benchmark testing and QA standards is illustrated.

The density reading at two locations (red marks) of the chicken wish bone are 861 HU and 334 HU, respectively. The difference in density is reflected in the probability of detection.


Specification and prices

DMRI Bone Phantoms come in a handy credit card size format (75x33 mm) holding 5 cylindrical phantoms of an equal 10 mm length with a density of approximately 500 HU. The diameters of the 5 phantom bones are 1.5 mm; 2.0 mm; 2.5 mm; 3.0 mm and 4.0 mm.

Other sizes are available upon request. The full set of dimensions are (of which only 5 can be selected):

 1.2x10mm, 1.5x10mm, 2.0x10mm, 2.5x10mm, 3.0x10mm, 3.5x10mm, 4.0x10mm, 5.0x10mm

Bone fantom











1 card: €198,- 

5 cards: -10%

10 cards: -20%

20 cards or more: -30%

Xray certificate costs additionally €198,- per card. Discount on Xray Certificates are not offered.

(*) Prices are only indicative and will be subject to change, so please ask for quotations.