Certified Data Centre Environmental Sustainability Specialist (CDESS®)
More data centres are being built, driven by the explosion of data and the processing power required for IoT (Internet of things) sensors and AI (Artifficial Intelligence). The percentage of total power consumption by data centres is growing in parallel. It has become vitally important that data centres are optimized for energy efficiency and designed for environmental sustainability.
Virtual Course
This course is held virtually with live instructors together with students from all over the world via your own PC. The course consist of a combination of lectures and question-and-answer sessions to discuss your specific needs and issues experienced in your own environment. The exam can be taken as an online exam no later than 7 days after the course is held. You will receive a voucher for the online exam.
Online Course TOD

Participants must have at least one to two years' experience in a data centre or facilities environment. The CDCP® is highly recommended. The CDESS® will discuss data centre facility aspects and without the CDCP® or equivalent knowledge, the participant may not be able to gain the full benefits of the CDESS® training.
Participant profile
The primary audience for this course is any IT, facilities or data centre professional who works in and around the data centre and has the responsibility to achieve and improve efficiency and environmental sustainability, whilst maintaining the availability and manageability of the data centre.
Course Benefits
After completion of the course you will be able to:
- Understand the impact of data centres on the environment
- Describe the various environmental/energy management standards
- Understand the purpose and goals of the legally binding international treaties on climate change
- Implement various sustainable performance metrics and how to use them in the data centre environment
- Manage data centre environmental sustainability using international standards
- Set up the measurement, monitoring and reporting of energy usage
- Explain the impact of Green House Gases (GHG) and calculate carbon emissions
- Use power efficiency indicators in a variety of data centre designs
- Use best practices for energy savings in the electrical infrastructure and in the mechanical (cooling) infrastructure
- Use best practices for energy savings for the ICT equipment and data storage
- Understand the importance of water management and waste management
- Understand the different ways to use sustainable energy in the data centre
- Get practical tips and innovative ideas to make a data centre more sustainable
Course Syllabus
- Predictions in 2010
- Current situation
- Outlook and commitments
- The importance of sustainability
- Senior management commitment
- Environmental sustainability framework
- Sustainability policies
- Performance standards and metrics
- Information policies
- Transparency
- Awareness
- Service charging models
- Environmental sustainability framework (ISO 14001)
- Standards and guidelines – ISO 50001 / ISO 30134
- Measurement and categories
- Baselining
- Trend analysis
- Reporting
- The usage of CO2 equivalent
- The three scopes for GHG emissions
- Definitions for various emission scopes
- How to calculate Carbon emissions from the electrical grid
- How to calculate Carbon emissions from backup generator
- How to calculate Carbon emissions from refrigerant leakage
- How to calculate Carbon Usage Effectiveness (CUE)
- Various efficiency indicators
- Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)
- PUE measurement levels
- Factors affecting PUE
- Measurement points and intervals
- PUE in mixed source environments
- Measuring PUE in a mixed-use building
- PUE reporting
- Impact of PUE after optimising IT load
- Identifying the starting point for saving energy
- Sizing of power
- DC power
- Generators
- UPS systems
- Power Factor (PF)
- Energy savings on lighting
- Energy savings on the cooling infrastructure
- Temperature and humidity setpoints
- Various energy ecient cooling technologies
- Energy savings on the airflow
- Liquid cooling
- Energy reusage
- PUE, ERE/ERF and Control Volume
- Procurement
- IT equipment energy efficiency
- IT equipment utilisation
- Server virtualisation
- Open compute project
- Data management
- Data storage management
- Data storage equipment efficiency
- Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE)
- Improving WUE
- Water usage at the power generation source
- Energy Water Intensity Factor (EWIF)
- Waste management policies
- Life-cycle assessment (Cradle to the grave)
- 3 R’s for waste management
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Second-hand market
- Recycle
- Sustainable energy sources
- Power purchase agreements
- Energy attribute certificates
- Renewable Energy Factor (REF)
- Matching renewable energy supply and demand
- Sustainable energy storage
- Carbon trading
- Use of AI and machine learning
- Load migration
- Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) solutions
Certified Data Centre Environmental Sustainability Specialist (CDESS®)
- Questions: 40 questions
- Time: 1 hour
- Form: Multiple-choice, closed-book
The passing mark is 27 out of 40. The exam is included in the course fee.
Certification and Accreditation
After passing the exam you will be awarded the internationally accredited and recognized 'Certified Data Centre Environmental Sustainability Specialist (CDESS®)' certificate.
CDESS® is globally accredited by EXIN, a fully independent exam and certification institute.
The CDESS® certificate is valid for 3 years, after which recertification is required. Please see the EPI Recertification Program for available options.
Do you have any questions please contact
- Malene Kjærsgaard
- Konsulent
- +45 72202523