Certified Data Centre Facilities Operations Manager (CDFOM®)
Managing the facilities of today’s high-end and high-availability data centers is an extremely demanding and complex task which is often underestimated. Operations management at the facilities layer makes all the difference, for even a data center designed to the highest redundancy level as per the ANSI/TIA-942 standard could still experience many unscheduled downtime events due to poor planning, operations, maintenance and management processes.
Virtual Course
You can choose to participate in this course virtually with live instructors together with students from all over the world via your own PC. The exam can be taken as an online exam no later than 7 days after the course is held. You will receive a voucher for the online exam.

It is advisable for the participants to have some experience in data center operations although it is not required.It is highly recommended to attend the CDCP® course before attending the CDFOM® course.
Participant profile
The primary audience for this course is someone who works, or has ambition to work, in a leadership role in data center operations such as a data center facilities manager, data center operations manager, who has the responsibility to achieve and improve the high-availability and manageability of the data center operations.
Course Benefits
After completion of the course you will be able to:
- Perform the needs analysis translating business requirements to data center services
- Set-up and manage the data center operations team
- Implement and monitor safety- and security practices
- Identify a suitable maintenance program for the data center facility and its equipment
- Select the appropriate policies and procedures required for data center operations
- Monitor the data center availability, capacity and capability
- Manage and implement basic data center projects
- Set-up and implement an environmental sustainability program
- Select an appropriate back-up site to support organizational resilience
- Identify and respond to risk in the data center
- Manage and support the document life cycle
- Create a basic budget proposal
- Select and manage vendors and measure their performance
Manage data center assets
Course Syllabus
- Service Level Management
- Needs analysis
- Capability assessment
- Service portfolio
- Service catalogue
- Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
- Availability measurement
- Data points in SLA
- Service reporting
- Complaint procedure
- Customer satisfaction measurement
- Service Improvement Process (SIP)
- SLA content
- Operational issues
- Organization chart
- Roles and responsibilities
- Skills matrix
- Contingency / backup roles
- Shift management
- Performance management
- Career development
- Training and assessment
- Job rotation
- Succession planning
- Disciplinary program
- Safety policies and regulations
- Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)
- Safety awareness training
- Permit to Work (PTW)
- Lock-out / Tag-out
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Testing and tagging of equipment
- Emergency preparedness and response
- Reporting of safety issues
- Reviews / internal audit / external audit
- Security policies and procedures
- Security standards and guidelines
- Security staff
- Security awareness
- Security incident management
- Disciplinary program
- Reviews, internal and external audits
- Maintenance policies and procedures
- Various maintenance programs
- Outsourcing of maintenance activities
- Maintenance contract options
- Warranty
- Maintenance schedule
- Service situations
- Spart part management
- Contamination control
- Policies and procedures for data center operations
- Service operations and the daily data center operations
- Monitoring requirements
- Escalation procedures
- Reporting
- Trend analysis
- Reviews
- Project management
- Project organization
- Project manager
- Project phases
- The importance of sustainability
- Sustainability policies
- Environmental management
- Power efficiency indicators -
- Waste management -
- Water management
- ICT utilisation management
- Environmental performance measurements
- Renewable energy factor (REF)
- Business continuity
- Data center facility options
- Business Impact Analysis
- Type of facility
- Human resources
- Facility, equipment and consumables
- Management commitment
- Coordination, collaboration and integration
- Compliance
- Risk management
- Document management
- Financial management
- Vendor management
- Asset management
Certified Data Centre Facilities Operations Manager (CDFOM®)
- Questions: 60 questions
- Time: 1½ hour
- Form: Multiple-choice, closed-book
The passing mark is 45 out of 60. The exam is included in the course fee.
Certification and Accreditation
After passing the exam you will be awarded the internationally accredited and recognized 'Certified Data Centre Facilities Operations Manager' (CDFOM®) certificate.
CDFOM® is globally accredited by EXIN, a fully independent exam and certification institute.
The CDFOM® certificate is valid for 3 years, after which recertification is required. Please see the EPI Recertification Program for available options.
Do you have any questions please contact
- Malene Kjærsgaard
- Konsulent
- +45 72202523