Best in class: Display sales cabinets 2.0

Per Henrik Pedersen

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Best in class: Display sales cabinets 2.0

Project start March 2020. Expected completion date October 2021.

Purpose of project
On 1 March 2021, ecodesign and energy labeling requirements for commercial refrigerated display cabinets will be implemented throughout the EU. This will create good framework conditions for marketing of energy efficient appliances in the EU. Furthermore, these requirements will make it operational for buyers and users of these appliances to demand the most energy efficient products.

In a previous successful ELFORSK project, a new generation of ice cream freezers was developed and tested, and the energy consumption was reduced by 27 % compared to the original model. It was also learned that if you can avoid convection under the glass lid, then you can achieve further savings.

The objective of this project is to reduce the energy consumption of commercial refrigerated display cabinets (exemplified by ice cream freezers) by an additional 10-15 %.

The reduction of the energy consumption will be achieved by analyzing the cooling circuit of the ice cream freezer for the purpose of thermodynamic optimization. Furthermore, horizontal glass lids with low emission coating are used as well as the newest energy efficient compressors and other components. Ice cream freezers with horizontal glass lids are already available in the market. The project partner Elcold, the only Danish manufacturer of display sales cabinets with natural refrigerants, also has a variant of these, which is, however, still not energy optimized.

Additional savings will be investigated by introducing night covers, and the importance of ice accumulation will be investigated by long-term testing. Ice accumulation is related to behavior, and a study of the daily use of display sales cabinets will uncover the saving potential related to behavior.

The manufacturer will end up with a new ‘best-in-class’ product.

The project is divided into the following phases:

  1. Screening and knowledge gathering
  2. Long-term testing
  3. Mathematical modeling and potentials
  4. Data collection for the behavioral study
  5. Climate chamber testing and prototype development
  6. Reporting and knowledge dissemination.


  • Danish Technological Institute – Per Henrik Pedersen (project manager)
  • Elcold
  • Hennig-Olsen Is.

The project is funded by ELFORSK.