Drone technology

Lars  Dalgaard

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Drone technology

Drone technology has gone through a fundamental development during the last couple of years. From being a field that was only dealt with at universities and in the defense industry, drones have now almost become a common household item. For a small sum, you can buy a drone and take pictures from places that used to be inaccessible.

The perspectives in the technology are vast and they offer access to a three-dimensional world where the bird's eye view is also available as a natural part of the solution.

It requires a new way of thinking to recognize the true potential of the technology - current drone applications are only the tip of the iceberg compared to what they will be used for in the future.

A lot of technical issues related to flying have now been solved for the drones. Therefore it is the application of the drones - and the related technology that is installed on the drones – that is the challenge.

One of the obstacles for an even wider application of drones is their limited flight time. Therefore, the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) has explored an alternative approach where the drone is tethered via a lightweight cable to a ground base which serves as a power supply and also provides a safe, highspeed communication line. This opens up several new applications that aren't possible today.

How can the Danish Technological Institute help you?

  • We match your requests with accessible drone and sensor technology
  • We can serve as a guide in drone construction and capabilities
  • Professional feedback with regards to the drones' integration in existing systems

In the video above you can watch an example of DTI's work with drones within agriculture and the plant nursery industry.

If farmers' crops or horticulture plants are hit by diseases, pests or lack of nutrients, they become stressed - and this affects the yield and thereby the financial bottom line. That's why DTI is developing new, useful drone solutions for the agro-industry. Read more here.

Note: Make sure to turn on subtitles in the YouTube player.