Casestory Goodvalley - Goodvalley - Chilling process design for an existing slaughter facility
Danish Technological Institute developed a new design of our chilling process, which solved several current and future problems in one investment project: Significant reduction of chill loss, reduced drip loss and overall improvement of meat quality. The implementation could be executed without disturbing the ongoing production and the new layout enables further expansion of our production capacity in the future. The detailed design and specification have enabled a trouble-free start-up of the new chilling process and superb performance from day one, with a chill loss well below our expectations of 1,3 %. Since the QCT-principle improves the slaughter yield by more than one percent, it reduces the net emission per kg produced meat. This corresponds perfectly with our environmental strategy at Goodvalley.”. Chief Executive Officer, Member of Executive Board Paweł Nowak
- Chilling footprint — 1300 m2
- Slaughter capacity — 280 pigs/h
- Chill loss target — 1,3 %
Thorough documentation detailing Quick Chill Tunnel, equalizing equipment, and performance criteria, including process duration, air temperatures, airflow rates, and carcass spacing. These specifications are essential for minimizing chill loss and maintaining superior meat quality throughout the entire chilling process.
Comprehensive instructions outlining the proper construction of the insulated structure housing the Quick Chill Tunnel, guaranteeing structural durability despite frequent defrosting and re-freezing during cleaning. These specifications also establish optimal procedures for integrating with other building components, managing pipe penetrations, maintaining vapor barrier integrity, ensuring the finish of insulated panels, and supporting steel columns on insulated floors.
REFRIGERATION TENDER AND QA: DMRI meticulously assessed incoming tenders and collaborated with Goodvalley to select the most suitable refrigeration contractor and equipment supplier in alignment with the specifications. After thorough evaluation, the local Polish supplier Coldex was chosen and executed the installation with meticulous attention to detail. The DMRI-designed system ensured superior meat quality and minimized energy consumption.
COMMISSIONING AND PERFORMANCE TEST: Upon initial startup and reaching full capacity, DMRI conducted comprehensive performance tests on the carcass chilling process, analyzing all relevant parameters to ensure alignment with specifications. Adjustments were implemented to minimize chill loss, optimize meat quality indicators, and decrease energy consumption.