Danish Technological Institute and COWI A/S together in Egypt

Moses Dachariga Mengu

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Danish Technological Institute and COWI A/S together in Egypt

The Egyptian Pollution Abatement Project, EPAP 2, is working with environmental conditions in Egyptian industry. The project was tendered by the European Investment Bank and was launched in the summer of 2007.
It is expected to be completed in 2012. COWI A/S and the Danish Technological Institute are together responsible for the administration of the project,
with COWI A/S acting as head of the consortium.

There are two main goals with the project:

  • To support Egyptian industry with investments that can help companies keep within environmental legislation relating to waste, waste water and air pollution, also taking into account continued economic growth and protection of people affected by pollution.
  • To support the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency and its regional offices to effectively administer EPAP 2 and other similar environmental projects.

The project has a loan and subsidy fund of USD 160 million at its disposal, financed by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank together with additional funds from Japan and France. Companies apply for loans and subsidies from the fund based on an environmental assessment of their production processes.

The applications are then assessed by the project management department in the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency. The investments in industry can take the form of new or changed process equipment or ‘end-of-pipe’ solutions such as filters and cleaning plants.

The project management department consists of 13 Egyptian employees and a permanent international consultant. Other international experts are regularly called in to provide training and support on technical and administrative issues.