Project – Hedge clipping of the future

Annemarie  Holsbo

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Project – Hedge clipping of the future

Preventive foundation (Forebyggelsesfond). The project is completed.

Project start August 2008. Expected completion October 2009.

There is a pronounced work related problem with clipping hedges; we refer to amputation, sprains and other work related ailments, such as work-related musculoskeletal disorders which if not prevented lead to absence due to sickness and premature exit from the labour market.

The technology used in hedge clipping, has, in principle been the same for the last 20 years. The main objective of the project is to contribute to a reduction in work related accidents and worn-out workforce, as well as improving working conditions and increasing savings in running costs, by applying new thinking surrounding hedge clipping from a work environment and technological perspective.

The target groups are mainly landscape gardeners, our activities will relate to a total of approximately 60 employees.


The project’s activities fall into 4 different phases;

1.      Problem identification
2.      Idea development
3.      Description of prototype
4.      Development of design prototype. 

The methods are deep rooted in user driven innovative principles, which means that the design prototype, to be developed in the last phase of the project, will mirror the landscape gardeners envisage of futuristic hedge clippers that would address work related problems, which the user experiences in practical use.