Project – Improvement of the Working Environment in Care for the Elderly through Intelligent Technology

Annemarie  Holsbo

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Project – Improvement of the Working Environment in Care for the Elderly through Intelligent Technology

Welfare Technology in Care For The Elderly. The Project is finalised. 

Project start January 2009. Expected completion December 2009.

Smiley Robot

The project focuses upon testing and evaluation of welfare technology and non-technical dependent work places – old-age / retirement homes

During the project we will research the extent technology can support a good working environment by preventing both physical and physiological stresses. Throughout the project duration, data on welfare technological solutions will be gathered from five participating work places

Development activities will be carried out at each work place as well as sharing the experience gained between the participating work places.

Through the project a handbook will be written concerning introduction and testing of technology in old-age care centres.


The main success criteria for the project is to improve the working environment for employees and management.
The project is made up of four sections.

1. Establish workshops: here we uncover the work related challenges of each work place
2. Work specific development courses: testing the chosen technology in the work place
3. Bi-lateral activities: the project holds the possibility for knowledge and experience swapping between work places
4. Conclusion of knowledge gathering: as a final element of the project, a mediatory conference will be held whereby a handbook on the technological testing process will be created.