Project - HPCOM
Project start: June 2014. Ended medio 2017.
Purpose and goal
The main purpose of the project is to strengthen the development and implementation of information and data communication technology and infrastructure in the field of heat pumps.
The project focuses on knowledge sharing, under here FU&D, standardization and test facilities, which will result in a FU&D strategy and roadmap for IKT. This roadmap can together with recent knowledge within standardization and FU&D be used of potential new projects in the field.
Development of the strategy and the roadmap will take place in close connection with IKT and the heat pump industries, and at the same time, the strategy will be presented to a broader energy and Smart Grid industry.
The project consists of 6 work packages:
1. Project management tasks such as organizing, final reporting and controlling the economy
2. Charting of the relevant standards and consecutive standardization work
3. Charting and dialogues with existing test platforms with reference to presenting options to the industry's actors and FU&D projects
4. Development of a test platform for information and data communication in the field of heat pumps (HP-HUB)
5. Collection and presentation of knowledge concerning information and date communication's infrastructure in the field of heat pumps
6. Establishment of independent follow-ups on the HPCOM activities and describe future organizing and terms.
- Danish Technological Institute
- Eurisco
- Neogrid Technologies
- IES a.m.b.a.
- Insero Energy
Granted means
The project is supported by and established in collaboration with ForskEL and