Project - In-depth renovation of housing blocks
Energy renovating housing blocks to low-energy class 2015 and building class 2020.
Project start: 1 March 2015. Ended ultimo 2018.
Purpose of the project
The purpose of the project is to develop a guidance for optimizing energy conservations, economy and CO2-reduction by renovating to low-energy level starting from two concrete housing blocks.
Focus is on prefab constructions from the 60's and 70's together with brick constructions. The starting point is two concrete renovation cases: Traneparken (picture) and Sems Have, where the renovation is conducted in two different ways:
- Traneparken with external re-isolation at almost low-energy class 2015 level
- Sems Have with a completely new building envelope at building class 2020 level
Both buildings have new ventilation systems, PV-system and better utilization of the day light installed.
The project consists of the following work packages:
- WP1: Documentation of energy conservation and indoor climate in both buildings
- WP2: Construction and calibration of a model of each of the buildings, before and after the renovation by using the ASCOT/BYGSOL programme
- WP3: Parameter variation with ASCOT/BYGSOL of the models to investigate alternative renovation initiatives
- WP4: Development of a guidance for in-depth renovation of housing blocks in the light of the results from WP1 and WP3
- WP5: Presentation of the project's results
The project is carried through as a collaboration between Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Teknologisk Institut, Cenergia Energy Consultants and Boligselskab Sjælland.