Project - Increased flexibility and efficiency in the energy supply by using heat pumps in combined heat/power stations
Increased flexibility and efficiency in the energy supply by using heat pumps in combined heat/power stations.
Project start primo 2007. Ended ultimo 2010.
Purpose of the project
The overall purpose of the project is to analyze and demonstrate decentalized combined heat and power solutions with heat pumps in full size.
This is done on the basis of the hypothesis that such solutions can contribute substantially with increasing the energy system's flexibility and efficiency. Moreover, a number of ideas, i.a. presented at ENERGYCAMP 05 concerning the integration of compression heat pumps in the energy system, will be tested both through simulation models but also in practice.
This both applies to gas engine driven, electrically powered heat pumps, co-ordination of gas engines and kettles, the application of different heat sources, under here waste heat from exhaust gas and engine rooms, but also other heat sources such as air, sea water or soil.
Finally, heat pumps will be examined in connection with reduction of pipeline losses (20-40 %) through ultra cold district heating.
Goal of the project
This demonstration project will comprise an investigation of heat pumps in existing combined heat/power stations. It will be conducted through the installation of two full size heat pumps on two different combined heat/power stations.
The project is carried through via a scaling up of the CO2-based heat pump, which has been developed and tested at Danish Technological Institute.
The project consists of five phases:
1. Analysis of integration of a heat pump in the energy system
2. Selection of system hosts
3. Design and production og full size heat pumps, referring to phase 1 and 2.
4. Demonstration and measurements (in collaboration)
5. Project management, conclusions and presentations.
- Danish Technological Institute
- Advansor Energisystemer A/S
- Aalborg Universitet
- Energi og MiljøData
- Naturgas Midt-Nord/ HNG
- Dansk Fjernvarme
- Brancheforeningen for Decentral Kraftvarme