Project - Optimization of EGR cooler
Optimization of EGR cooler
Project start primo 2014. Ended ultimo 2015.
Purpose of the project
The main purpose of the project is to optimize an EGR cooler entity, which features in cleaning of exhaust gas from marine engines. The EGR cooler is a key component in an EGR system. The purpose of the EGR system is to reduce NOx emission, so that the fleet can live up to the strict requirements in Tier lll. The work will consist of developing a calculation model for dimensioning, measurements and verifications together with incorporation of new materials, so that the EGR cooler becomes sufficiently effective and in-expensive to produce.
Goal of the project
The overall goal of the project is to optimize the EGR cooler, which Vestas Aircoil has developed to feature in a MAN Diesel & Turbo developed EGR system, in proportion to price, production, life time, corrosion, fouling, maintenance / service and performance. In that way, the Danish EGR system has been given the opportunity to distance itself from the competitors and secure jobs in Denmark.
The project consists of four phases:
- Project management, meetings and communication
- Collection and analysis of data
- Calculation model for entity
- Choice of material for entity
- Danish Technological Institute
- Man Diesel & Turbo A/S
- Center for Materialeprøvning
- Center for Plastteknologi
- Vestas Aircoil
Funded means
Supported by the Programme for Green Technology.