Project - SECTOR

Kurt  Hjort-Gregersen

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Project - SECTOR

Production of Solid Sustainable Energy Carriers from Biomass by Means of Torrefaction

Project start January 2012. Expected completion June 2015.

SECTOR project is focused on the further development of torrefaction-based technologies for the production of solid bioenergy carriers up to pilot-plant scale and beyond and on supporting market introduction of torrefaction-based bioenergy carriers as a commodity renewable solid fuel. The core of the project concerns the further development of torrefaction and densification technology for a broad biomass feedstock range including clean woody biomass, forestry residues, agro-residues and imported biomass. Production recipes will be optimized on the basis of extensive logistics and end-use testing. Much attention will be given to the development, quality assurance and standardization of dedicated analysis and test methods. The experimental work will be accompanied by extensive desk studies to define major biomass-to-end-use value chains, design deployment strategies and scenarios, and conduct a full sustainability assessment. The results will be fed into CEN/ISO working groups and international sustainability forums.

Project objectives

  • Optimized torrefaction & densification recipes
  • Sampling analysis and test protocols for torrefaction-based bioenergy carriers
  • Value chains and deployment strategies
  • Sustainability assessment
  • Proposal for new product and quality assurance standards

The role of Danish Technological Institute (DTI) in the project is to develop and optimize the densification process of torrefied biomass on lab and pilot scale. DTI is coordinating the activities in this part of the project and based on the results process and product optimization will be made in close cooperation with the other project partners.

Further information about project activities and recent updates and reports are available at the project website:

21 project partners from different EU countries:

1. German Biomass Reserach Institute (DBFZ), Germany

2. Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), Finland

3. Energy Center of The Netherlands (ECN), The Netherlands

4. Danish Technological Institute (DTI), Denmark

5. E.on New Build and Technology Limited (EON), United Kingdom

6. Stuttgart University, Germany

7. Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology (OFI), Austria

8. Umeå University, Sweden

9. National Renewable Energy Center - CENER-CIEMAT Foundation, Spain

10. Topell Energy BV, The Netherlands

11. Vattenfall AB, Sweden

12. RWE INNOGY GmbH, Germany

13. Doosan Power Systems Limited, United Kingdom

14. Procede Biomass BV, The Netherlands

15. Institute of Power Engineering, Poland

16. Technology and Support Centre (TFZ), Germany

17. BIOS Bioenergiesysteme GmbH, Austria

18. Bioenergy 2020+  GmbH, Austria

19. Vienna University of Technology, Austria

20. Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Germany

21. Swedish Agricultural University - SLU, Sweden