Project - Youngsters road to jobs in needed employment areas

Annemarie  Holsbo

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Project - Youngsters road to jobs in needed employment areas

The project is completed.

Project start October 2008. Expected completion August 2009.

The project assists with qualification and employment of youngsters, who otherwise have difficulty completing an education. These youngsters could, via practical experience, gain the tools that enable them to realistically choose a job or education.

The development method focuses on private and social relations as well as competence development and training of mentors in commercial outlets, within needy areas of the work market. These are the main areas of concentration within the project.

Project Objectives
The project has the following success criteria:

  • That 40-55 youngsters are involved with the program
  • That this involvement results in approx. 85% of those youngsters are either in full time education or job after taking part in the program.
  • At least 1 employee in every firm takes a mentor course
  • That firms are aware of the tools available for assisting the training and employment of youngsters (mentor method)
  • The education advisors feel better prepared for agreement arrangements with firms.
  • That job markets allow potential future employers to meet job seekers


  • Københavns Kommune (Det Lokale Beskæftigelsesråd):
  • Tårnby Kommune (Det Lokale Beskæftigelsesråd i Tårnby/Dragør):
  • Beskæftigelsesministeriet
  • Jobcenter København
  • Jobcenter Tårnby
  • Coop DK
  • Silvan A/S
  • Bauhaus A/S
  • Ungdommens Uddannelsesvejledning i København
  • Ungdommens Uddannelsesvejledning i Tårnby
  • Derudover virksomheder i Storkøbenhavn inden for detail- og byggebranchen, cater- og ernæringsassistentområdet, jern, metal og auto.

The project has planned the following activities

  • Competence clarification for the youngsters
  • Business recruiting
  • Match-making between firms and youngsters
  • Start-up of practical experience
  • Holding mentor courses in practical environments
  • Hold job market days

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