Ivan  Katic

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Project start August 2019. The project is completed.

Purpose of project
Existing buildings in Denmark contribute to the total energy consumption with about 40%, and a reduction of this demand is therefore one of the most cost-effective ways to fulfill the goal of 100% renewable energy in 2050.

Furthermore, the environmental footprint of buildings is becoming more and more important when selecting construction materials. By combining stone wool with active BIPV modules, the energy for construction can be wholly or partly offset by the electricity produced.

The purpose of the project is to develop a cost-effective, aestetical and energy saving roof-cover where a new type of photovoltaic (PV) module is glued to the insulation without need for any further weather protection. Dansk Solenergi has developed a novel method for manufacturing colored PV modules without major impact on performance, and these modules will be further refined and verified as part of the project. Finally, the entire system will be demonstrated on a full-scale roof.

The PV-ROCK-ROOF project aims at:

  • Development and demonstration of a new cost-effective building envelope with integrated PV modules – PV-ROCK-ROOF.
  • Research and development of materials and methods for a cost-effective exterior thermal insulation of large roof areas.
  • Research in translucent colored layers and surfaces for aesthetical PV modules that can replace the ordinary roof membrane.

The project is divided into the following phases:

  1. Building envelope design
  2. Colored BIPV modules – R&D
  3. Optimization of module manufacturing
  4. Module test and verification
  5. Full system demonstration
  6. Dissemination of results.


  • Danish Technological Institute – Ivan Katic (project manager)
  • ROCKWOOL International
  • DTU Fotonik
  • Dansk Solenergi
  • Mernild Byg
  • EFFEKT Arkitekter
  • SolarCityDenmark.

The project is funded by EUDP.