3D design and FEM simulation

Stanislav  Landa

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3D design and FEM simulation

When packaging is designed, the following factors must be considered: structural strength, stackability, size, transportability, price, consumer acceptance and sustainability.

The final design of a package is a compromise between these.

We have experience in 3D design and computer simulations that can show how a packaging is loaded with different types of physical influences such as stroke, pressure and drop. In case of product damage issues, numeric 3D simulations can reveal the structural defects that a package has and demonstrate their remedies when we choose a modified solution. Similarly, simulations can reveal overpacking and help achieve a slimmer design with material saving.

We can assist in the development phase of the packaging with a simulation and optimization process to minimize the need to order moulds or tools.

We can provide 3D-printed items of plastic in limited sizes to give a visual impression of the finished packaging.