Advanced Surface Treatment for Implantable Medical Devices
Project Start: Summer 2011. Ending: Summer 2015.
This product-oriented project, funded by Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation, is focused on developing a novel treatment of urge incontinence (OAB - overactive bladder) based on a new electrode system suitable for long-term implantation.
Through the development of a porous physical vapour deposited (PVD) TiN coating, the Tribology Centre will improve the electro chemical properties of the electrodes, providing unique performance in both in vitro and in vivo (pig model) experiments. In addition, the moulds casting the PEEK body are coated with CrN Super-Slip to ensure unique demoulding properties. The electrode body is microstructured which facilitates anchoring of the electrode in the surrounding soft tissue.
- Neurodan A/S, Alborg, Denmark
- AAU – Center for Sensory – Motor Interaction Aalborg University, Denmark
- DTU – Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark
- DTI – Danish Technical Institute, Aarhus, Denmark
The project is funded by the Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation.