Climate envelope and energy - Building insulation

Mads Borregaard Hansen

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Climate envelope and energy - Building insulation

The insulation of buildings is an important element in reducing energy consumption and emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Danish Technological Institute  

  • Certify products for heat insulation in accordance with common European product standards. The certification is carried out by Dancert, which is the Institute’s certification organ.   
  • Provides knowledge and advice about the insulation of buildings, technical insulation and about the application and properties of insulation materials. 
  • Takes part in Danish and international standardisation work concerning the application, calculation, declaration and testing of insulation materials.
  • Carries out accredited Laboratory testing and documentation of insulation materials’ technical properties.
  • Researches into the properties of insulation materials and their application in construction.
  • Acts as technical and financial  secretariat for Danish Insulation Control.

Danish Technological Institute is registered and accredited for attestation consistent with European standards and has already issued Europe’s first certificate for the CE labeling of insulation products.

Danish Technological Institute is a participant in the following standardisation organs in relation to building insulation:

  • CEN TC 89, Thermal performance of buildings and building components
  • CEN TC 88 Working Group, Factory Production Control
  • CEN CER Scheme Development Group 5
  • Notified Bodies: Sector Group 19, Thermal Insulation
  • Danish Standard, Group S-181, Thermal Insulation