Digital Strategy and Leadership

Cathrine  Lippert

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Digital Strategy and Leadership

New digital technologies and smart combinations of technologies create new opportunities for process optimisation, product and service development, new value chains and business models, thus challenging companies to innovate their business. We talk about "digital transformation" as a broad unifying concept, and we place great emphasis on the transformation part of the process.

Enter "digital logic"
It is no longer enough to simply "make it digital" - that is, to digitise what already exists. It is absolutely necessary to rethink and redesign - to transform - products, services, processes, value chains, business models and the organisation itself, based on a new digital logic.

Often digital transformation also involves the merging of several different technologies. This not only requires an understanding of the individual technologies, but also of how they can be used together and create brand new opportunities. Some companies understand how to exploit these new opportunities, but research shows that many companies do not have the knowledge and skills to begin their digital transformation and do not know where and how to get started.

Need for a digital strategy and action plan
Successful digital transformation requires a digital strategy that takes account of the entire business. And to implement the digital strategy, a company must have a digital action plan that defines what to do, how to it, when to do it, and by whom each thing should be done.

We can help
The Danish Technological Institute helps companies of all sizes and across industries, as well as public administrations and institutions, to:

  • analyse challenges and potentials
  • prioritise efforts and formulate a digital strategy
  • develop new digital services, processes and business models
  • plan how to adapt the organisation and management
  • draw up a concrete action plan for the digital transformation
  • work within a holistic digital transformation framework

In other word, we help organisations set the right goals, use the right methods, and get the process right to reap all the benefits of the digital now and the digital future.