Pilot scale screw press

Beatriz Chambel Soares Vieira

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billede af skruepresse

Pilot scale screw press

Screw pressing is an efficient method for extracting liquid from biomass, whether it is oil from oilseeds and insects or water from various plant materials. Screw pressing technology is widely used in industries such as animal feed and food. The biomass is fed and transported through a press chamber by a rotating screw. Gradually, the pressure builds up, extracting the liquid, resulting in a liquid fraction and a press cake.

Danish Technological Institute has an advanced pilot-scale screw press for the extraction of both oil and water. The screw press can be carefully configured for the specific biomass to achieve the most efficient process. It is also possible to heat the biomass before and during pressing. The screw press has a capacity of 25-50 kg per hour.

How can Danish Technological Institute assist you?

The screw press is part of Danish Technological Institute pilot plant for biorefining and is often used as a subprocess in the development of innovative products - either in research and development projects or in direct collaborations with companies. It is also possible to conduct a single test pressing of a specific biomass, or you can lease production over longer periods.

Offer and prices

If you are interested, you can contact Beatriz Chambel Soares Vieira.

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