Purification technologies

Anne Louise Dannesboe Nielsen

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Purification technologies

DTI has vast experience with different kinds of filtration technologies (Nano, ultra and microfiltration) for purification of a wide range of compounds. Furthermore, DTI has experience with Expanded Bed Adsorption (EBA) which is especially suitable for extraction of water-soluble proteins and protein fractions.

These purification technologies are especially suitable for the concentration of high-value compounds like sugars or proteins, or for reduction of unwanted components like salts from aqueous side streams. DTI has pilot-scale facilities for testing different kinds of purification and separation technologies and state-of-the-art laboratories for chemical and physical tests.

DTI offers:

  • Chemical and physical characterisation of aqueous streams in relation to choosing the right purification technology
  • Pilot scale testing of filtration- and purification technologies
  • Characterisation of the purified product

Pilot scale filtration and purification equipment:

  • Pilot scale membrane filtration test setup (test volumes of 5 - 100 L)
  • Pilot scale EBA filtration test setup (test volumes up to around 5 L)