Training Course - Refrigeration Plant with CO2, Theory and Hands-on

Christian  Heerup

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Billedet viser en person, som arbejder på et CO2 anlæg. Anlægget anvendes bl.a. ifm kurser på Teknologisk Institut.

Training Course - Refrigeration Plant with CO2, Theory and Hands-on

Available course dates: Registration

Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus, Denmark*

* The course can also be held as a workshop on the premises of your company. Please, contact us for information about price and availability.

This two day training course in refrigeration systems with carbon dioxide (CO2, R744) covers the basics of design, operation and maintenance of refrigeration systems with CO2. The training course combines theory and practice; the emphasis is placed on hands-on exercises of operating different CO2 based refrigeration systems mixed with high quality theory presentations, discussions and knowledge sharing among the course participants on their experiences with refrigeration systems and CO2 as a refrigerant.

The following theoretical and practical topics are included:

  • Basics of CO2 as a refrigerant
  • Safety of CO2 and the choice of materials
  • System design
  • Overview of CO2 systems; Industrial plants, supermarket plants, trans critical plants
  • EU directive on pressure equipment and assembly methods related to CO2
  • Components
  • Introduction to hands-on training; Cascade plants, industrial plants, trans critical plants
  • Charging and discharging of the refrigeration system
  • Operation, service and maintenance procedures for CO2 systems

Class size is limited to ensure an ideal learning environment.

Course Objective

After the course you will have gained:

  • An understanding of the special circumstances of CO2
  • A basis for assessing the possibilities and limitations of CO2 as a refrigerant
  • The knowledge of how to construct a CO2 refrigeration system (super- and subcritical)
  • A basis for discussing the choice of components with suppliers
  • Practical knowledge of safety conditions related to COcharging, discharging, commissioning, controlling and stopping cascade and trans critical CO2 plants

Target Group

The course is designed for people working with design, calculation, dimensioning, and maintenance of CO2 based refrigeration systems, e.g. consultants and project engineering and contracting refrigeration companies.

Course Fee

The course fee is inclusive of course materials, refreshments and lunch both days.
Accommodation and local transport from 200.00 EUR (two nights) depending on availability and your requirements. You will be on your own for dinner. You will find a large number of restaurants near your hotel.