In front of research - Animal Welfare

Dorte Lene Schrøder-Petersen

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In front of research - Animal Welfare

At DMRI, we focus on the combination of evidence-based knowledge and technical insight to develop technical solutions that benefit both the animals and the slaughterhouse. Here is a selection of our recent research. Please feel free to contact us if you need more information.


Bonnichsen, R., Hansen, C., Raunkjær Søndergaard, J., Schrøder-Petersen, D.L.(2024) Effect of stocking density during Co2 stunning of pigs on induction time and activity level measured using AI. Animals, 14, 1953

...Schrøder-Petersen, D.... (2024) Behaviour of cull sows during transport to slaughter. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 271 - 106174

...Schrøder-Petersen, D.... (2024) Clinical condition of cull sows before and after transport to slaughter. Research in Veterinary Science, 168. 105124



...Schrøder-Petersen, D.... (2023) Effects of journey duration and temperature during pre-slaughter transport on behaviour of cull sows in lairage. Research in Veterinary Science, 154. 105016



Dorte Schrøder-Petersen (2022) Stunning method for pigs: Views on where to prioritize future research , HSA International Conference, Edinburgh July 2022

Nagel-Alne, G. ; Murphy, E.; McCauslin, B.; Hauge, SJ.; Dorte Lene Schrøder-Petersen ; Holthe, J. ; Alvseike, O. (2022) Meat safety legislation and its opportunities and hurdles for innovative approaches: A review. Food Control, vol. 141, November 2022




Klaaborg, J., Schrøder-Petersen, D. (2021) Betäubungsmethoden und Tierwohl. Die Fleischerei, 10, side 50

Klaaborg, J., Schrøder-Petersen, D. (2021) Derzeit keine Alternativen zu CO2. Fleischwirtschaft, 11, side 26



Klaaborg, J., Bonnichsen, R. (2020) Improving animal welfare at slaughter benefits both pigs and slaughterhouses. Meatingpoint Magazine, issue 34, side 30



Klaaborg, J, Schrøder-Petersen, D. (2019) Dyrevelfærd på slagtedagen Fødevaremagasinet oktober side 20

Aaslyng, MD, Herskin, M., Thodberg., K. (2019) Det rullende laboratorium. Hyologisk august, side 30


Støier, S., Larsen, HD., Blaabjerg, L., Vorup., P., Aaslyng, MD (2019) Optimal handling of entire male pigs at the day of the slaughter. ICoMST (International Congress of Meat Science and Technology), August, Potsdam


Schrøder-Petersen, DL. (2019) Good animal handling before slaughter is also good business Meatingpointmagazine, issue 24, 26-28

Larsen, HD., Nielsen, GB, Black, P., Vorup, P., Hass, MA. (2019) PIGWATCH D2.I: Test report. Description and functionality of a prototype system to measure and document tail length and tail lesions at the slaughterhouse


Støier, S., Lykke, L. & Blaabjerg, LO (2018) Human slaughter techniques for pigs. Archieving sustainable production of pig meat

Larsen, HD., Nielsen, GB., Aaslyng, MD., Schrøder-Petersen, DL., Black, P. (2018) TailCam - a method for measuring tail length and tail bites on pig carcasses. ViD - Videncenter for dyrevelfærd, oktober 


Støier, S. (2017) A paradigm shift within animal welfare. Presentation IMS Symposium, Copenhagen, september

(2017) PIGWATCH  Project homepage

Larsen, H.D. (2017) Measuring tail length and tail bites on pig carcasses. Pitch presentaton. WAFL, 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Wageningen, The Netherlands, september

Blaabjerg, L.O., Larsen, H.D., Lykke, L., Aaslyng, M.D., Kristensen, L., Meinert, L., Støier, S. (2017). WELFARE and QUALITY CHECK – Customized system for monitoring animal welfare. WAFL, 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Wageningen, The Netherlands, september

Larsen, H.D., Nielsen, D.B.,  Blaabjerg, L.O. (2017). The influence of male pigs on animal welfare at the day of slaughter. WAFL, 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Wageningen, The Netherlands, september

Larsen, H.D., Blaabjerg, LO. (2017) Documentation of animal welfare during initiation of CO2 stunning of finishing pigs. Welfare impacts of controlled atmosphere methods for stunning or killing animals. UFAW, England, 29.-30. June

Brandt, P., Rousing, T., Herskin, MS., Olsen, EV., Aaslyng, MD.(2017) Development of an Index for the assessment of welfare of finishing pigs from farm to slaughter based on expert opinion. Livestock Science accept

Dich-Jørgensen, K., Daugaard Larsen, H., Leifsson, P.S., Elvang Jensen, H. (2017) Characterization of hemorrhages in the ham topsides and tenderloins of slaughter pigs. Meat Science, 124, 34-38


Brandt, P. (2016) Assessment of welfare of finishing pigs from farm to slaughter. PhD Thesis - Science and Technology, Aarhus University

Dich-Jørgensen, K.; McEvoy, F.J.; Daugaard Larsen, H., Leifsson, P.S., Elvang Jensen, H.(2016) Characterization of hemorrhages in the tenderloins of slaughter pigs Meat Science, 121, 250-52

Larsen, HD., Blaabjerg, LO., Brandt, P. Young, JF., Rasmussen, MK., Pedersen, JR., Nielsen, DB. (2016) The occurence of wooden breast in a Danish flock of broiler chickens. Poster World Poultry Congress, September 2016, China

Larsen, HD., Blaabjerg, LO., Lykke, L., Welhe, SH.(2016) Video surveillance of CO2-stunning of finishing pigs in groups. Poster HSA International Symposium, July 2015, Croatia

Støier, S., Larsen, HD., Aaslyng, MD., Lykke, L. (2016) Improved animal welfare, the right technology and increased business. Meat Science, 120, 71-77



(2015) Forschungsinstitut für Fokus auf Tierwohl geehrt. Fachinfo Schwein, september

(2015) Forskningsinstitut hyllas för deras fokus på djuromsorg. Branschinfo Kött, september

Aaslyng, MD (2015) Dokumentation af dyrevelfærd. Dyrelægernes Vingstedkursus

Brandt,P. (2015) Hun forbedrer svins sidste rejse. Landbrugsavisen, uge 6 – SVIN, 8

Brandt, P., Aaslyng, MD (2015) Welfare measurements of finishing pigs on the day of slaughter. Meat Science, 103, 13-23

Brandt, P., Aaslyng, MD., Rousing, T., Schild, S., Herskin, MS. (2015) The relationship between selected physiological post-mortem measures and an overall pig welfare assessment from farm to slaughter. Livestock Science, 180, 194–202                     

DMRI (2015) Humane Slaughter Award. Humans Slaughter Association. Zagreb, Juli

Schild, S-L.; Brandt, P.; Rousing, T.; Herskin, M.S. (2015) Does the presence of umbilicial outpouchings affect the behaviour of pigs during the day of slaughter? Livestock Science, 176, 146-51

Støier, S. (2015) God djuromsorg ger bättre köttkvalitet., 25. juni

Støier, S. (2015) Hohes Tierwohl verbessert Fleischqualität., juni



Brandt, P., Rousing, T., Herskin, M.S., Aaslyng, MD. (2014) Exsanguination blood lactate as an indicator af pree-slaughter welfare in finishing pigs. WAFL, 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare 3.-5. Sep

Lykke, L., Aaslyng, MD (2014) Highest stress during loading and unloading. Fleischwirtschaft International 5, 12-17



Aaslyng, MD. (2013) Animal welfare - optimization and documentation. IMS symposium Copenhagen September

Aaslyng, M., Brandt, P., Blaabjerg, L.,  Støier, S. (2013) Assessment and incidence of skin damage in slaughter pigs. 59th ICoMST 18-23. august Tyrkiet – poster+paper

Brandt, P. (2013) Nu får grisen taget pulsen. 3. juli

Brandt, P. (2013) Grise får pulsure på. 3. juli

Brandt, P., Aaslyng, M. (2013) Identificaton of post-mortem indicators of welfare. Livestock Science 157, 535-

Brandt, P., Støier, S.,  Aaslyng, MD. (2013) Dyrevelfærd på slagtedagen skal kunne dokumenteres. Dansk Veterinærtidsskrift nr. 2, 18-21



Aaslyng, MD., Blaabjerg, L., Brandt, Pia (2012) Documentation of animal welfare of pigs on the day of slaughter. Poster, 58th ICoMST 12.-17. August Montreal Canada

Andersen, PB.,Sørensen, R., Steenberg, B., Lykke, L., Madsen, NT. (2012) Traceability system for slaughter of unmarked pigs. Paper, 58th ICoMST august Montreal, Canada

Andersen, PB., Sørensen, R., Steenberg, B.,  Lykke, L., Madsen, NT. (2012) Measuring welfare of finishing pigs from loading at the producer until sticking at a commercial abattoir. ISAE Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Austria

Støier, S. (2012) Animal welfare at slaughter and implementation of EU Regulation 1099/2009 in 2013 – Abstract, Nordic Poultry Conference 8. - 11. nov., København   



Aaslyng, MD., Lykke, L., Støier, S. (2011) Animal welfare on the day of slaughter is not just an expence. UFAW (Universities Federation for Animal Welfare) og HSA (Humane Slaughter Association) juni

Borggaard, C., Claudi-Magnussen, C. ,Madsen, NT., Støier, S. (2011) A new system for Sticking Control (‘VisStick’) 57th ICoMST 2011

Lykke, L.; Borggaard, C. (2011) A new system to control the sticking of pigs – VisStik. UFAW (Universities Federation for Animal Welfare)og HSA Humane Slaughter Association, juni

Støier, S. (2011) Spotlight on animal welfare at Danish slaughterhouses. Agriculture & Food - Danish matters Oct. 2011

Støier, S., Sell, AM., Bager Christensen, L. , Blaabjerg, L.O., Aaslyng, MD.(2011) Vocalization as a measure of welfare in slaughter pigs at Danish slaughterhouses. 57th ICoMST



Lykke, L., Arnmark, P., Borggaard, C.(2010) Sichkontrollsystem für das Stechen. Fleischwirtschaft 7.



Christensen, L., Blaabjerg, L., Hartung, J. (2009) Investigation of pig transports for more than 8 hours in cold and warm weather conditions and of the requirements for ventilation during the transport. 55th ICoMST, 2009