Work package 4: Development of Processing

Jonas Lembcke Andersen

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2.a.Development of processing invaluable

Work package 4: Development of Processing

The development of processing will determine the best available technologies for processing feeding substrates and insect biomass. The processing of mealworms by novel drying technologies will be applied, and the processed mealworms will later be tested on rats, mink, poultry and pigs.

Processing is important to ensure the development of a high-quality protein meal as raw material for application in various feed and food products. This work package will focus on the development of processing of feeding substrates and insect biomass using different established and new technologies, e.g. drying, milling and extrusion.

Product specification and performance will be evaluated on the processed insect biomass. Moreover, we will use a ‘value logistics tool’ based on the modification of an existing biomass supply chain tool to evaluate the cost of insects throughout the supply chain. The purpose of the tool is to optimize the logistics and identify segments of the supply chain that may require further development.