Data Acquisition Software
Danish Technological Institute have developed TI-DOP, a data acquisition software used in numerous accredited test facilities at the institute.
TI-DOP is the software that connects your hardware to your PC. TI-DOP is developed in National Instruments LabVIEW software and has a user-friendly interface that lets you configure individual measuring points/channels for each setup. It has independent and flexible loop speeds and can, through sub-programs, have numerous loops speeds simultaneously. When connected to the right hardware, TI-DOP opens possibilities for measuring various analogue and digital signals, counters, RTD resistors, IEEE protocols etc., and the user have the possibility of creating “live” dynamic calculator fields which calculates live efficiencies, specific heat capacities or similar.
TI-DOP requires a newer Microsoft Windows OS with no special PC requirements to neither clock-speed nor RAM. Included in the software are several individual PID control loops, advanced math calculator for criteria evaluation, standard deviation etc. and special customized sub-functions as tapping profiles to follow the EN 16147 standard: Heat pumps with electrically driven compressors – testing, performance rating and requirements for marking of domestic hot water units.
Many of the accredited laboratories at Danish Technological Institute have been using TI-DOP as the core software for both data acquisition and control system for more than 15 years.
TI-DOP have on that account, been the main responsible asset in more than 3.500 accredited tests on motors, pumps, circulators, fans, heat-pumps, air handling units etc. at Danish Technological Institute.
Communication capabilities
TI-DOP is developed and maintained by Danish Technological Institute and are therefore continuously evolving and improving. Communication possibilities with many different brands are already available and new are developed whenever the need arises. As of today, TI-DOP are currently compatible with:
- Voltech equipment
- Yokogawa equipment
- ZES Zimmer equipment
- Mettler weights & scales
- ABB Frequency converters
- Danfoss Frequency converters
- KAMSTRUP Energy meters, water & electric
- KEYSIGHT Dataloggers & measuring equipment
- Measurement Computing Data Acquisition components
- National Instruments Data Acquisition components – DAQ Mx
- And many more…