EnergyFlexLab - Testing of intelligent and flexible energy components
EnergyFlexLab consists of more laboratories testing energy components and systems for a future flexible energy system
The lab setup is testing how much flexibility coupled technologies such as solar panels, battery systems, heat pumps and electric car chargers can add to our energy system. Testing is based upon real life scenarios.
The EnergyFlexLab test environment is a platform supported by smart grid and smart energy system knowledge and linked to a number of existing laboratories:
Laboratories being the backbone
- Battery lab with accredited safety tests, single cell and pack level lifetime test facilities and grid connected Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
- Heat Pump labs with testbeds for both small and large heat pumps and thermal storage
- EV-lab with EV-chargers and test facility for EV-batteries
- Energy efficiency labs incl. EnergyFlexHouse and EnergyFlexOffice
All in all, an infrastructure that allows any manufacturer of intelligent and embeddable energy components to have testing performed across supply sources such as electricity and heat.
R&D test and demonstration
The EnergyFlexLab supports a wide range of activities such as:
- Flexibility testing of intelligent components e.g. the optimization of simultaneously operated heat pump, PV inverter and EV charger.
- Data harvesting from industrial areas, ports, airports, construction sites etc.
- Data quality check, analyses and visualization.
- Household battery system dynamic testing for annual efficiency, flexibility etc.
- Testing of the ability of intelligent components to be controlled / controlled remotely
- Simulation and models for flexible energy systems to optimize operating economy, combined energy efficiency, climate effect and component life.
- Knowledge and testing that supports integration with cloud- based solutions such as weather services, electricity market etc.