Storage cabinets
The requirements of professional and commercial refrigerator and freezer appliances are tightening as the need for more energy effective appliances increases, e.g., the energy consumption of professional refrigerated storage cabinets accounts for a significant share of the total electricity demand in the EU, and the scope for reducing energy consumption is significant.
We offer evaluation and development of design and technology as well as accredited testing of all types of storage cabinets of various shapes and sizes and with multiple functions, including minibars for hotel rooms, professional wine coolers, professional food service coolers and freezers for professional kitchens, and much more.
Ecodesign and Energy Labelling
From July 2016, professional refrigerated storage cabinets are to comply with the ecodesign and energy labelling requirements, and the scope for reducing energy consumption is significant. By improving the design of your appliances, you can meet these ecodesign and energy labelling requirements, reduce environmental impacts and achieve energy savings.
Lab services
Our high-tech laboratory at Danish Technological Institute is accredited to test professional and commercial refrigeration and freezer appliances such as the above storage cabinets according to the following international test standards:
- Testing according to EN 16825
- Testing according to regulation 2015/1095 and regulation 2015/1094
- Consultancy on ecodesign and energy labelling requirements
- Consultancy on the development of design and new technology
- Consultancy on the use of natural refrigerants
- Prototyping
- Energy optimization
- Thermodynamic simulations
- R&D cooperation and partnership
For further information on commercial and professional storage cabinets, please go to: www.dti.dk/34536,3
The prices depend on the appliance; please ask for your price.