Testing of display cabinets
Energy and temperature tests of cabinets with a direct sales function used in retail stores and supermarkets – both plug-in/integral, CO2-remote cabinets, and water-loop - can provide you with an evaluation of the performance of your cabinets according to the climate classes stated in EN/ISO23953.
Once the tests are completed, you will get all temperatures, flows, and related energy figures and graphs presented in a test report. This test report is linked to the particular cabinet in question in terms of pictures, loading plans, rating plate, etc.
Here, you can see an example of a test report:
Benefit from independent testing and accredited test reports
- as a manufacturer, retail store/supermarket or authority
Below, you can read more about how you benefit with a third-party accredited test report made by an independent test institute.
Independent testing according to desired test standards
R&D cooperation and partnership
With an accredited test report for a given display cabinet, you can document that the values are verified by an independent third party. This not only boosts your brand and its integrity, but it also shows compliance and transparency. Another benefit is the ability to avoid requests pointed at your company in case of cabinets failing on the market.
You can also use the test report internally in your company to show your sales department that the activities in the R&D department are trustworthy and serious. For decades, Danish Technological Institute has supported manufacturers to develop highly energy efficient, and, thus, best-in-energy-class cabinets.
Tests conducted by Danish Technological Institute show that 2/3rd of the tested cabinets are experiencing problems in terms of temperature quality, higher energy consumption, and lower suction pressure than stated. The also experience ice-build-up in evaporators, and water vapor occurring on cold surfaces leading to running water and hygiene issues.
Energy consumption If the cabinet consumes more energy than declared, the measures regarding the total yearly energy consumption will not comply and, thus, weaken the business case of the new supermarket.
Suction pressure The poorest cabinet in terms of required suction pressure dictates the energy efficiency of the complete refrigeration plant. For every kelvin the suction pressure must be lowered, the yearly energy consumption will be increased by 3-4%.
Temperature performance If the temperature distribution in the cabinet is outside the scope of the EN23953 standard, the consequences can be far-reaching in terms of food quality, food waste, and penalty notice from authorities.
Our cooperation with authorities goes back more than 25 years, and we continuously support European authorities to keep track of different tests and related results. We also support the authorities to interpret national, international, and European legislation to evaluate the consequences of a failed test.
More energy savings and less environmental impact
- by complying with ecodesign and energy labelling
Professional and commercial refrigeration and freezer appliances such as display cabinets with a direct sales function are subject to EU ecodesign and energy labelling, and by improving the design of your appliances, you can reduce environmental impacts and achieve energy savings. Often, the energy consumption can be reduced with more than 50%.
We offer testing of all types of display cabinets of various shapes and sizes and with multiple functions as well as evaluation and development of design and technology. The cabinets are often referred to as display or commercial cabinets and include glass door bottle coolers, beer coolers, wine coolers, ice cream cabinets, open air bottle coolers with air curtain, and many more.
Specialized and unique test facilities
- designed for testing of small and LARGE appliances
The different tests are carried out in our Energy Efficiency Laboratory, which comprises four climate chambers with the capacity to test eight appliances at the same time under controlled laboratory conditions in terms of controlling the ambient conditions for temperatures, humidity, and air velocity.
The test facilities have skills and capacity to test many cabinets and appliances momentaneous, and they are designed for testing of different store concepts as well as the impact on energy consumption and comfort according to international standards. The store concepts consist of multideck frozen and refrigerated cabinets, serve-over as well as open and closed islands also known as horizontal, vertical, and semi-vertical chilled and frozen cabinets.
Moreover, the fest facilities are designed for testing of display cabinets of various types, shapes, and sizes and with multiple functions, e.g. glass door bottle coolers, beer coolers, wine coolers, ice cream cabinets, open air bottle coolers with air curtain, and many more.
Internal dimensions of climate chamber used
for testing of large appliances and cabinets
Testing, consultancy and R&D cooperation
- examples of lab services
The Energy Efficiency Laboratory offers a wide palet of different lab services. You will find some examples of our lab serivces below.
The Energy Efficiency Laboratory is accredited to test professional and commercial refrigeration and freezer appliances according to these following international test standards.
- Accredited testing according to EN/ISO 23953
- Testing according to EN 16902
- Testing according to regulation 2015/1095 and regulation 2015/1094
- Consultancy on ecodesign and energy labelling requirements
- Consultancy on the development of design and new technology
- Consultancy on the use of natural refrigerants
- Energy optimization
- Thermodynamic structures
- R&D project cooperation and partnership
If you did not find what you were looking for or want to know more about our test facilities, pricing or cooperation opportunities, send us a message or give us a call.