Training courses on heat pump technology, refrigeration technology, and natural refrigerants

Svenn Ole Kjøller Hansen

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Kurser i Køle- og Varmepumpeteknik

Training courses on heat pump technology, refrigeration technology, and natural refrigerants

Update your skill set and improve your daily work. The purpose of our training courses is to provide you with the latest knowledge and new skill sets, which makes you even better at handling specific work functions and equip you to perform at specific areas of competence.  

Choose between a variety of training courses focusing on basic as well as specialised knowledge in the fields of refrigeration technology, heat pump technology and natural refrigerants.  

Our training courses offer a mix of theory-based sessions and practical hands-on exercises, and they are composed with room for both questions, exchange of your personal experiences, and immersion into the given topic. The hands-on exercises are carried out on different training plants, where you can grapple with starting and regulating the plants as well as trouble shooting.

Most of our training courses aim at specific professions to provide you with the right knowledge and the right skill sets, which you require at your specific level of experience. Some courses require that you have gained a certain level of experience in specific areas in order for you to gain an optimal benefit from the course. Do not hesitate to contact the course instructors if you are in doubt about whether you have chosen the right training course. 

Really good variety of presentations and
very well-prepared presenters
- Participant, webinar on thermal storage,
Advanced energy storage conference 2020

Traning courses
Danish Technological Institute har more than 110 years of experience in training and each year more than 17,000 people participate at our events covering more than 1,000 courses, educations, and conferences.

Want to update your knowledge on refrigeration and heat pump technology and the use of natural refrigerants?

See our selection of training courses

Refrigeration plant with CO2, theory and hands-on
This two-day training course in refrigeration systems with carbon dioxide (CO2, R744) covers the basics of design, operation and maintenance of refrigeration systems with CO2. The course is a mix of theory sessions and hands-on exercises.

See more information about the CO2 training course

Refrigeration plant with NH3, theory and hands-on
This two-day training course in refrigeration systems with ammonia (NH3, R717) covers the basics of design, operation, safety, and maintenance of refrigeration systems with ammonia. The course is a mix of theory sessions and hands-on exercises.

See more information about the NH3 training course

On demand workplace training courses
Looking for a training course to expand the knowledge and skills of your employees?

As a company, you can choose on demand workplace traning courses with the purpose of providing specific skill sets or specialized knowledge in selected fields of expertise to a group of your employees. On demand courses can be held at our premises in Denmark or in some cases at the premises of your company.

For information and quotation, please contact Svenn Hansen

Billedet viser en person, der arbejder på et CO2-anlæg

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