BioCrete UK Web - Dissemination
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Task 9: Dissemination
Task 8: Production of bio ash concrete
Task 7: Collecting data from existing bio ash concrete constructions
Task 6: Technical documentation of bio ash concrete
Task 5: Environmental impact of bio ash concrete
Task 4: Documentation of the quality of the ashes
Task 3: White bio ash – ash production and concrete trial casting
Task 2: Facilities for handling of ashes at the concrete production plant
Task 1: Facilities for handling of ashes at the sludge incineration plant
Executive summary:
Other reports:
This report is prepared by COWI A/S for Spildevandscenter Avedøre to give an account of the sales possibilities of bioash for the use in concrete
Articles and Presentations
(in Danish)Presentation by Bo Neergaard Jacobsen, Spildevandscenter Avedøre I/S
Presented at "DANVA temadag om håndtering af spildevansslam"
Odense, 12 June 2008
Presentation by Pernille Nyegaard, Danish Technological Institute
Presented at NCR XXth. Symposium
Bålstå, Sweden, 8-11 June 2008
Article by Pernille Nyegaard (2008), Use of sludge incinerator ash in concrete, Proceedings from NCR XXth. symposium, Bålsta, Sweden, June 2008 (in Danish
Presentation by Pernille Nyegaard, Danish Technological Institute
Presented at a Meeting in the Concrete Club (betonklubben)
Expan's Fabrik in Fiskbæk, 16 May 2008 (in Danish)
Nyegaard, Pernille (2008), Gode resultater med Bio-askebeton (in Danish), Licitationen, Theme about Concrete, 2008, 28 March, pp 4-5
by Jørn Bødker, Danish Technological Institute.
Paper manuscript presented at IWA Specialised Conference by Kjersgaard, Dan among others (2007), The reuse of bio ash for the production of concrete - a Danish case study, Proceedings "Moving forward. Wastewater bio solids sustainability: Technical, Managerial and public synergy", Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada 24-27 June 2007
Presentation by Dan Kjersgaard, Spildevandscenter Avedøre I/S
Presented at IWA Specialised Conference "Moving forward. Wastewater bio solids sustainability: Technical, Managerial and public synergy"
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada 24-27 June 2007 (in Danish)
Presentation by Mette Glavind, Teknologisk Institut
Presented in Dansk Betonforening "Brug beton og skån miljøet"
Copenhagen, 7 March 2007 (in Danish)
Nyegaard, Pernille (2007), Forsøg med bioaske i beton (in Danish), Licitationen, Theme about Concrete, 2007, 16 February, pp 4 (in Danish)
Presentation by Freddie Larsen, Unicon A/S
Presented in Dansk Betonforening "Dagens betonteknologi- Opfrisk din viden eller lær det du har glemt".
Copenhagen, 4 Oktober 2006 (in Danish)
Note in LICITATIONEN, 14 June 2006.
(in Danish)
Presentation by Freddie Larsen, Unicon A/S
Presented at workshop "Ny viden om sundt og miljørigtigt betonbyggeri". Closure for the project "Produktområdeprojektet vedr. betonprodukter"
Taastrup, 5 October 2006. (in Danish)
Presentation by Dan Kjersgaard, Spildevandscenter Avedøre
Presented at workshop "Ny viden om sundt og miljørigtigt betonbyggeri". Closure for the project "Produktområdeprojektet vedr. betonprodukter"
Taastrup, 5 October 2006. (in Danish)
Presentation by Kirsten Eriksen, COWI
Presented at workshop "Ny viden om sundt og miljørigtigt betonbyggeri". Closure for the project "Produktområdeprojektet vedr. betonprodukter"
Taastrup, 5 October 2006.
Presentation by Jørn Bødker, Danish Technological Institute
Presented at Conference "Advances in Cement and Concrete"
Davos, Switzerland, 2-7 July 2006. See abstract.
Nielsen, Jan Broch (2006), Bioaske på vej til dansk beton (in Danish), Dansk Beton, may 2006, nr. 2, pp 10-11.