Calibration of on-line classification instruments
DMRI offers to assist in calibrating on-line classification instruments using a mobile CT scanner. We can assist in any step of the calibration procedure including planning, scanning, data analysis and the EU protocol, part one and two.
The total lean meat content (LMP) in pig carcasses is the standard method to express the carcass value in the EU. The use of objective methods for estimating LMP on-line at the slaughter line is stated in the Commission Regulation No. 1249/2008. The primary reference method for calibration of on-line classification instruments is based on dissections of a representative sample of carcasses. However, it is now possible to use CT scanning and virtual dissection as an instrumental reference method.
LMP calibrations in compliance with the EU regulation
The complete setup includes experimental design, draft of EU documents, assistance in carrying out the experiment and data analysis and estimation of calibration models.
Calibration models for sorting parameters
Once corresponding data for on-line measurements and CT scanning has been established, it is possible to estimate reference parameters like:
- The weight of the ham, middle piece and fore-end
- The lean meat content in the ham, middle piece and fore-end
- Customer defined quality characteristics and product yields, and subsequently calibration models for these parameters can be estimated aimed at sorting and/or production control.
Learn more:
The Danish reference method based on CT aimed at calibration of on-line methods for classification of pig carcasses:
3D images from CT scanning provide more information about the pig than traditional methods of dissecting with a knife.
Read more in this article publiced in Fleischwirtschaft International 6/2012: