Conference - Refrigeration in the supermarket sector - Official opening of test facilities

Esben Vendelbo Foged

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Conference - Refrigeration in the supermarket sector - Official opening of test facilities

On 8th November 2017, the conference participants were invited to take part in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of our new testing facilities in Taastrup, Denmark. Here, you can see a few photographs of the event.

Bjarke Hansen from the Danish Energy Agency gave til inaugural speech and cut the ribbon to the new climate chamber.The testing facilities at DTI are equipped for testing of all types of commercial and professional refrigeration cabinets; bottle coolers, ice dream freezers, and storage cabinets as well as vending machines. This new climate chamber is in particular equipped for testing of large remote and plug-in refrigeration cabinets. The laboratory is accredited for testing. Read more about testing according to Ecodesign and Energy Labelling and Energy Efficiency.

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