Contact - List of Employees and Telephone Numbers
Carina Eie Pedersen
- Senior consultant
- Finance and Accounts, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1304
- cep@teknologisk.dk
Carina Britorn Vestergaard
- Consultant
- Installation and Calibration, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2961
- cbv@teknologisk.dk
Carlotta Tammone
- Consultant, PhD
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2752
- cata@teknologisk.dk
Caroline Kragelund Rickers
- Centre Project Manager, cand. scient., PhD
- Water Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2940
- cakr@teknologisk.dk
Carsten Steen Birkekvist
- Consultant
- Automobile Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2562
- cab@teknologisk.dk
Carsten Christiansen
- Senior Consultant
- Ideation and development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3024
- cc@teknologisk.dk
Carsten Panch Isaksen
- Product Manager
- Robot Technology, Odense
- Cell: +45 7220 1802
- capi@teknologisk.dk
Carsten Holm Nielsen
- Technologist
- Installation and Calibration, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2180
- cahn@teknologisk.dk
Carsten Paulsen
- Consultant
- Automobile Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1995
- capa@teknologisk.dk
Carsten Schou Valet
- Service Technician
- Campus Service, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1760
- carn@teknologisk.dk
Carsten Østerberg
- Technicial Consultant
- Food Safety, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2941
- caro@teknologisk.dk
Casper Laur Byg
- Product manager, Ph.D.
- Air and Sensor Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1929
- cby@teknologisk.dk
Casper Bøgelund Laxager
- Technician
- IT, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3417
- cbs@teknologisk.dk
Cathrine Lippert
- Senior Consultant
- Innovation and Digital transformation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2273
- cal@teknologisk.dk
Cecilie Lindgaard Christensen
- Consultant
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2538
- cecn@teknologisk.dk
Cecilie Juhl Christensen
- HR Consultant
- Personnel and Development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2119
- cjc@teknologisk.dk
Charlotte Heimann
- Senior Specialist
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3147
- chhn@teknologisk.dk
Charlotte Ravn Kristoffersen
- Consultant
- Personnel and Development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2820
- crk@teknologisk.dk
Charlotte Bejder Lassen
- Consultant
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2190
- chbe@teknologisk.dk
Charlotte Lykke Vahlers
- Economist
- Finance and Accounts, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3655
- clv@teknologisk.dk
Charlotte Rongsted Werner
- Laboratory Technician
- Bioresources, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2437
- cwe@teknologisk.dk
Charlotte Øhlenschlæger
- Team Manager
- Finance and Accounts, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1820
- coe@teknologisk.dk
Christian Bladt Brandt
- Specialist
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1943
- cbb@teknologisk.dk
Christian Holm Christiansen
- Senior Consultant
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2424
- cnc@teknologisk.dk
Christian Dalsgaard
- Senior Consultant
- Functional Materials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2095
- chda@teknologisk.dk
Christian Drivsholm
- Senior Specialist
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1380
- cd@teknologisk.dk
Christian Skov Esbensen
- Consultant
- Robot Technology, Odense
- Cell: +45 7220 2222
- cse@teknologisk.dk
Christian Heerup
- Business Manager
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2528
- chp@teknologisk.dk
Christian Høj
- Technical consultant
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2186
- choj@teknologisk.dk
Christian Sloth Jeppesen
- Senior Specialist, MSc nanoscience
- Tribology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1261
- csje@teknologisk.dk
Christian Lund Johansen
- Technical Consultant
- IT, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2453
- cjoh@teknologisk.dk
Christian Kallesøe
- Director, PhD
- Functional Materials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2570
- chkl@teknologisk.dk
Christian Lemmermann
- Consultant
- Additive Manufacturing, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2508
- chle@teknologisk.dk
Christian Grønborg Nicolaisen
- Team Manager
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2534
- cgl@teknologisk.dk
Christian Nicolai Nielsen
- Specialist
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1630
- cnni@teknologisk.dk
Christian Ravn Agergaard Pedersen
- Consultant
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2447
- crpe@teknologisk.dk
Christian Bøggild Rath
- Consultant
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2830
- crat@teknologisk.dk
Christian Rein
- Product Manager
- Functional Materials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1683
- chrr@teknologisk.dk
Christian Okkels Skov
- Consultant
- Installation and Calibration, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 3066
- chos@teknologisk.dk
Christian Vestergaard
- Senior consultant
- Food Safety, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1425
- cve@teknologisk.dk
Christian Moeslund Zeuthen
- Team manager
- Tribology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1718
- cmz@teknologisk.dk
Christina Løth Andersen
- Consultant
- Business and Society, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2975
- cloa@teknologisk.dk
Christina Forman
- Consultant
- Training, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1608
- cfo@teknologisk.dk
Christina Kjær Langeland
- Team manager
- Installation and Calibration, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2789
- ckjl@teknologisk.dk
Christina Schwartzbach Rasmussen
- Senior Marketing Consultant
- Production and Innovation, Management, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2260
- cbr@teknologisk.dk
Christina Moeslund Zeuthen
- Project Manager
- Additive Manufacturing, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2554
- cze@teknologisk.dk
Christoffer Korsbakke Mortensen
- Market Director, Security and Defence
- Market Development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2618
- ckm@teknologisk.dk
Christoffer Mølleskov Pedersen
- Team Manager
- Functional Materials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1055
- chm@teknologisk.dk
Christoffer Holmriis Steffansen
- Consultant
- Renewable Energy Systems, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2980
- chsn@teknologisk.dk
Christoffer Gaardhøje Ulrich
- Consultant
- Metrology and Quality Assurance, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3056
- cgu@teknologisk.dk
Christopher Mark Klingaa
- Project Director
- Materials Management, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1666
- ckli@teknologisk.dk
Claes Christiansen
- Senior Consultant
- Concrete, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1901
- ccc@teknologisk.dk
Clara Fernando Foncillas
- Consultant
- Bioresources, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1889
- cff@teknologisk.dk
Clara Marie Persson
- Consultant
- Communication, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2916
- cmpe@teknologisk.dk
Claus Bischoff
- Senior Consultant
- Plastics and Packaging Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1777
- clb@teknologisk.dk
Claus Hansen
- Senior Consultant
- Sustainability and Digitization, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2463
- clha@teknologisk.dk
Claus Martin Hvenegaard
- Senior Specialist
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2525
- cmh@teknologisk.dk
Claus Mathiasen
- Senior Specialist, B.Sc. Physics
- Tribology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1577
- clm@teknologisk.dk
Claus Pade
- Vice Director
- Concrete, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2183
- cpa@teknologisk.dk
Claus Schøn Poulsen
- Director
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2514
- csp@teknologisk.dk
Claus Lindgaard Sørensen
- Service Technician
- Campus Service, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1956
- css@teknologisk.dk
Cæcilie Pedersen Holmbom
- Consultant
- Innovation and Digital transformation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2540
- ccho@teknologisk.dk