Contact - List of Employees and Telephone Numbers
Lars Dalgaard
- Team Manager, M.Sc. CSE, PhD
- Robot Technology, Odense
- Cell: +45 7220 3983
- ldd@teknologisk.dk
Lars Germann
- Director, PhD
- Plastics and Packaging Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1400
- lgp@teknologisk.dk
Lars Hansen
- Consultant
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2536
- lxh@teknologisk.dk
Lars Leopold Hinrichsen
- Vice President Business development
- Production and Innovation, Management, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2663
- lhin@teknologisk.dk
Lars H. Hudecek
- Technical Metrologist
- Installation and Calibration, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1294
- lhh@teknologisk.dk
Lars Jeffers-Hansen
- Team Manager
- Wood and Biomaterials, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2390
- laha@teknologisk.dk
Lars Korsgaard Jensen
- Consultant
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3054
- lkje@teknologisk.dk
Lars Haahr Jepsen
- Project Director, PhD
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1927
- laje@teknologisk.dk
Lars Jørgensen
- Senior Consultant
- Pipe Centre, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3445
- lrj@teknologisk.dk
Lars Kristensen
- Product Manager, PhD
- Process Design and Operations, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2670
- lrk@teknologisk.dk
Lars Krusell
- Senior Consultant, M.Sc. Food Science
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 3491
- lark@teknologisk.dk
Lars Ilsøe Mikkelsen
- Head of Section
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1913
- lami@teknologisk.dk
Lars Månsson
- Senior Specialist
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1073
- lman@teknologisk.dk
Lars Overgaard
- Center Project Manager
- Renewable Energy Systems, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1295
- lod@teknologisk.dk
Lars Christian Poulsen
- Consultant
- Finance and Accounts, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2923
- lpo@teknologisk.dk
Lars Overvad Rasmussen
- Senior Consultant
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2141
- lsr@teknologisk.dk
Lars Schwarzer
- Consultant, PhD
- Renewable Energy Systems, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1536
- lars@teknologisk.dk
Lars Nyholm Thrane
- Director, PhD
- Concrete, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2215
- lnth@teknologisk.dk
Lars Jacob Lindblad Kristensen
- Business Manager
- Process Design and Operations, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1559
- ljk@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Bækgaard Andersen
- Service Technician
- Tribology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2613
- lban@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Blond
- Specialist, PhD
- Innovation and Digital transformation, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1778
- lblo@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Stenhøj Ingvardsen
- Team Manager
- Renewable Energy Systems, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1199
- lste@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Folsted Jensen
- Consultant
- Metrology and Quality Assurance, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2860
- lfs@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Jønsson
- Senior Consultant
- Ideation and development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1415
- ljo@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Rabøl Jørgensen
- Team Manager
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1950
- larj@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Møller
- Product Manager
- Additive Manufacturing, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1056
- lamo@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Nyboe
- Senior Specialist
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3008
- lasn@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Søe
- Team Manager
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1269
- las@teknologisk.dk
Lasse Skammelsen Trankjær
- Business Manager
- Energy Efficiency and Ventilation, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1024
- lat@teknologisk.dk
Lau Nielsen
- Senior Specialist
- Sustainability and Digitization, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2509
- ln@teknologisk.dk
Laura Ladrón de Guevara Jeppesen
- Laboratory Technician
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2894
- llgj@teknologisk.dk
Laura Tiano
- Senior Consultant, PhD
- Air and Sensor Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1039
- lti@teknologisk.dk
Lea Kornbeck Askholm
- Senior consultant
- Renewable Energy Systems, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1631
- lkoa@teknologisk.dk
Lena Sloth
- Librarian
- Production and Innovation, Management, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2661
- lesh@teknologisk.dk
Lene Dalvang
- Senior Consultant
- Sustainable construction, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2257
- led@teknologisk.dk
Lene Glud
- HR Consultant
- Personnel and Development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2659
- lbg@teknologisk.dk
Lene Grønning
- Director
- Ideation and development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1338
- lgr@teknologisk.dk
Lene Meinert
- Director, Ph.D.
- Food Safety, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2667
- lme@teknologisk.dk
Lene Nygaard
- Assistant
- Finance and Accounts, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1601
- ls@teknologisk.dk
Lene Rygaard Rønnebech
- HR Senior Consultant
- Personnel and Development, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2224
- lro@teknologisk.dk
Leo Hammer
- Senior Consultant
- Quality in construction, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 3069
- lham@teknologisk.dk
Leon Philipson Andersen
- Team Manager
- Robot Technology, Odense
- Cell: +45 7220 2071
- lpa@teknologisk.dk
Leon Steen Buhl
- Senior Specialist
- Installation and Calibration, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2468
- lsb@teknologisk.dk
Lies Vanhoutteghem
- Team Manager, PhD
- Quality in construction, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2226
- liva@teknologisk.dk
Lill Aarslev Christensen
- Product Manager
- Campus Service, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1949
- lac@teknologisk.dk
Linda Gertz
- Consultant
- Training, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3222
- lmg@teknologisk.dk
Line Granheim
- LCA Consultant
- Sustainable construction, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2478
- ling@teknologisk.dk
Line Ankerstjerne Kruuse
- Senior Consultant
- Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2208
- lnk@teknologisk.dk
Line Ahm Mielby
- Senior Consultant, PhD
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1764
- lmie@teknologisk.dk
Line Koch Skaanning
- Specialist, PhD
- Chemical Characterisation and Services, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2650
- lks@teknologisk.dk
Line Rold Tousgaard
- Project Manager, PhD
- Circular Resources, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2389
- lrto@teknologisk.dk
Linette Vest Rosenlund
- Consultant
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1645
- linr@teknologisk.dk
Linn Vanja Meilvang
- Consultant
- Agriculture and Digitalization, Skejby
- Cell: +45 7220 2872
- lvme@teknologisk.dk
Linxia Chen
- Food Safety, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1872
- licn@teknologisk.dk
Lis Andresen
- Senior Specialist
- Bioresources, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3276
- lssn@teknologisk.dk
Lisa Maria Hansen
- Consultant
- Finance and Accounts, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3037
- lish@teknologisk.dk
Lisa Lilhauge Holm
- Chemical Characterisation and Services, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2029
- liho@teknologisk.dk
Lisa Maria Rivera Kjær
- Consultant
- Renewable Energy Systems, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2138
- lmrk@teknologisk.dk
Lisbet Mikkelsen
- Acoounts Assistant
- Finance and Accounts, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2404
- lmi@teknologisk.dk
Lise Dahl Andersen
- Consultant, MSc. Chemical Engineering
- Plastics and Packaging Technology, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2214
- ldan@teknologisk.dk
Lise Nersting
- Senior Project Manager
- Food Safety, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2668
- lng@teknologisk.dk
Lise Schatter
- Reception, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2845
- lssr@teknologisk.dk
Liselotte Asbjørn Sørensen
- Consultant
- Installation and Calibration, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2163
- lias@teknologisk.dk
Liza Lindbjerg Andersen
- Communication, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2919
- llia@teknologisk.dk
Lone Sass Mortensen
- Senior Consultant
- Food Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1483
- lsm@teknologisk.dk
Loreta Nørgaard
- Finance and Accounts, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2153
- lnd@teknologisk.dk
Lotte Bjerrum Friis-Holm
- Director, microbiologist, PhD
- Water Technology, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 1837
- lbfh@teknologisk.dk
Lotte Frost Larsson
- Team Manager
- IT, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 3405
- lf@teknologisk.dk
Lotte Toft Laursen
- Team Manager
- Campus Service, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 1194
- lotl@teknologisk.dk
Louise Kjær Knudsen
- Consultant
- Concrete, Taastrup
- Cell: +45 7220 2584
- lkk@teknologisk.dk
Louise Ring Krüger
- Technicial Consultant
- Installation and Calibration, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2189
- lokr@teknologisk.dk
Luke John Murphy
- Consultant, PhD
- International Centre, Aarhus
- Cell: +45 7220 2030
- lukm@teknologisk.dk